Soul's Journey - Spiritual Connection - Spiritual Growth
The magpie power animal comes to help you reconnect with your higher self. The magpie spirit acts like a warrior, urging you to explore your psychic senses and trust your gut feelings. Spend time sitting quietly and meditating; this practice assists in opening your Third Eye Chakra. The magpie whispers, 'I'm here to help awaken your soul.'
With the presence of the magpie, you will discover insight, enlightenment, wisdom, and a profound connection to the spirit world. As a power animal, the magpie bestows the gifts of communication, adaptability, and curiosity upon you. It inspires you to be creative and to remain open to new ideas and opportunities.
Magpie power can guide you through challenging situations with grace and flexibility, teaching you to think differently and solve problems using your intelligence. Trust in your instincts and embrace your unique capabilities. Magpie power is here to support you on your soul's journey to healing and self-discovery. Whether you are looking for guidance or encouragement, the magpie is always ready to stand by your side.
Magpie Power
Element: Air
Embodiment: Divine Masculine
Animal Totem:
The magpie totem links you to your instincts, encouraging thorough self-exploration. It motivates embracing change and seeking fresh opportunities for growth and transformation, nurturing personal development and self-discovery along life's journey.
Reconnect with your higher self and inner wisdom to explore your psychic skills
Rose Quartz: Connects to unconditional universal love &
to the higher self
Clear Quartz: Aids in healing & spiritual growth
Amethyst: Connects to the Divine universal source &
Guided By Angels
Soul's Journey – Archangel Metatron
As the Angel of Life, Archangel Metatron guides our soul's path, recording every event in the astral records. He uses the Magpie power animal to generously share divine knowledge, helping us navigate life's journey in both the physical and spiritual realms. This guidance connects deeply with your inner wisdom and higher self, empowering your spirit.
Spiritual Connection– Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel aids in boosting your psychic abilities, enabling you to perceive, listen to, and feel beyond ordinary boundaries by unlocking your third eye—an entrance to heavenly knowledge. Raziel along with the Magpie power animal will help you to grasp and decode these cosmic messages. This spiritual partnership enriches your insight and understanding beyond the physical.
Spiritual Growth– Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Zadkiel shows us we have a spiritual mission. He helps you find your true self on your soul's journey. Spiritual growth is crucial, teaching us important lessons. 'I'm here with the Magpie spirit animal to guide and support you. Listen to the Magpie's song as I send Divine wisdom on their caring wings.'