Willy Wagtail

Positive Energy - Messages - Hope

The Willy Wagtail power brings comforting messages from loved ones who have passed away. It offers gifts and blessings from the Universe, inviting you to listen to its calming song. It reassures you that your loved ones are safe and encourages bravery by asking, 'What's the worst that could happen?' Stay focused and don’t let challenges overwhelm you. Seeing a Willy Wagtail reminds you to keep a positive mindset. By staying cheerful, you lift your own spirits and brighten those around you. Warm engagement with others invites warmth back, enriching your life. The Willy Wagtail encourages kindness, even when you feel down, since actions and words impact others. It helps you maintain positive energy during tough times, boosting hope, sociability, and balance. If negativity takes hold, accept the Willy Wagtail's gift to reconnect with friends and loved ones. This connection helps release negativity.

What does seeing a Willy Wagtail symbolise?

Seeing a Willie Wagtail reminds you to stay happy. Joy brings warm reactions, making life better. It might also mean a loved one's spirit is sending you a hopeful message.

Willy Wagtail's Message: 

Be courageous in all that you do & know that you are loved both on earth & in Heaven.

Willy Wagtail Power

Element: Air

Embodiment: Divine Feminine

Animal Totem:

People with the Willy Wagtail spirit guide are sociable, balanced, and positive. They have warm personalities and often prioritise kindness to others over themselves.


Your loved ones are safe & happy in Heaven

Be courageous, your loved ones are protecting you


Amethyst: Spiritual stone, promotes divine love

Clear Quartz: High vibrational stone, helps amplify surrounding crystals

Aquamarine: Stone of tranquillity, hope, clarity & harmony

Guided By Angels

Positive Energy – Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel brings inspiration and positivity, offering much-needed clarity in uncertain times. She, together with the Willy Wagtail power animal, shares a warm and golden light of love, aiding in navigating life's many challenges. Jophiel inspires the transformation of negative thoughts and encourages viewing situations from a new perspective, leading to positive outcomes.

Messages – Archangel Metatron

With Willy Wagtail's power, Archangel Metatron connects you with loved ones in spirit. He brings messages from God, reassuring you that their love and guidance remain strong. Even if they're not physically present, take comfort in the unbreakable bond you share.

Hope – Archangel Tzaphkiel

Archangel Tzaphkiel helps your spiritual and physical growth. Her wisdom supports you through change, offering hope and faith. With Willy Wagtail's energy, trust life's timing. What is meant for you will come to you naturally, just remain positive.


I am Divinely connected to  both Heaven & Earth


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