Situated in the throat region, the fifth chakra is crucial for your need to express yourself, find your life's mission, and embrace honesty. It's the gateway to your true self, enhancing your ability to communicate and listen. If it's out of balance, you might feel shy, struggle to talk, listen poorly, and have trouble with communication and expressing yourself. However, when it's balanced, expressing yourself and listening become effortless, enabling you to voice your truths and be your genuine self.

Positive Affirmations

Affirm: I feel safe to speak my truth - I speak my truth with confidence easily - I am speaking clearly & with ease

Overactive Throat Chakra

If your throat chakra is too active, you might talk without thinking, often criticise, gossip, interrupt, or shout unnecessarily, hindering peaceful communication.

Underactive Throat Chakra

When the throat chakra is imbalanced, expressing oneself and speaking openly can become a challenge. This may lead to misunderstandings, reluctance to share feelings, and a fear of being truthful. It's essential to find ways to realign this energy for better communication and self-expression.

Element: Sound/Space

This chakra connects with the sound and space element. Deepen your experience by enjoying music or singing. Taking a walk in nature or by the sea lets you embrace vast spaces and the calming sounds around you.


Sound/Mantra: HAM

Note: B

Animal: Wolf

Sense: Hearing

Angel: Archangel Michael

Body Parts Associated With the Throat Chakra

Throat - Mouth - Tongue - Thyroid - Jaw - Neck - Larynx

Food for truth & communication

When enhancing your diet for the Throat Chakra, think of the colour blue. This chakra values cleanliness, so aim for foods that cleanse and purify your body, connecting more with your spirit. Try making smoothies with blueberries and blackberries. It's also vital to drink lots of water and enjoy warm herbal teas to keep this chakra active and open.

Colour Therapy

Favouring the colour blue indicates an open Throat Chakra, signalling balance. Incorporating blue hues at home, especially with flowers, can elevate your vibe and enhance communication energy. A small change for powerful inner harmony.

Aromatherapy for the Throat Chakra

Trying candles, diffusers, or body oils can help balance your Throat Chakra. Also, room sprays and bath salts enhance your energy centre's wellbeing.

Essential Oils

Peppermint: Helps to promote self-expression & releases stagnant energy

Eucalyptus: Helps clear & release negative energy blocks

Blue Chamomile: Aids in communication, soothing & calming

Hyssop: Purifies & cleansing. Aids in energy flow

Cypress: Aids in helping to speak you truth with love & compassion

Crystals for the Throat Chakra

Crystals emit high-energy vibrations that assist in harmonising our emotional, spiritual, and physical energies. Their healing attributes can align our chakras or energy centres, enhancing self-restoration for the mind, body, and spirit.

Consider these Throat Chakra Crystals for balance:

African Turquoise: Boosts confidence to speak your truth.

Turquoise Howlite: Enhances emotional expression and talking skills.

Aquamarine: Fosters loving communication and bravery.

Blue Kyanite: Clears away bad vibes.

Sodalite: Heals misunderstandings and improves communication.

A quick guide for utilising Throat Chakra Crystals to heal yourself:

Keep your crystals near for a constant energy boost.

Wearing your crystals as jewellery, like a necklace or bracelet, helps keep your energy levels balanced.

During meditation, place your crystals on the energy centre to boost or increase the energy of the stones.

Also, setting the stones in your living or work space can harmonise your surroundings, promoting balanced energies.


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