Archangel Michael - 'He who is like God'
Angel of Courage, Strength & Protection
Archangel Michael is known as the protector, overseeing all facets of our existence. He ensures our spiritual health and physical protection, also keeping a watchful eye on our belongings. Dressed in his blue cloak and armed with his shield, he actively repels negative forces aiming to harm our spiritual peace. His radiant beam of blue light not only shields us from detrimental energies but also aids in our liberation from the clutches of negative people or influences, allowing us to break free from their damaging impacts. Michael's presence brings a sense of safety, enveloping us in an aura of protection against all forms of negativity.

Archangel Michael, known as the Guardian of Humanity, represents strength and protection, essential for both your spiritual and physical wellbeing. By invoking Michael during difficult times, you can find comfort and security.
His protective shield and blue cloak are powerful tools to guard against negative influences and clear away negativity with bright light. With courage and strength, you can face new ventures or significant challenges with confidence. Trust in Michael’s guidance and embrace his protection in every area of your life.
Angel Number for Archangel Michael
Angel Number: 444
Protection & Divine Soul's Purpose
Embodiment of Archangel Michael
Patron Angel of Law Enforcement & the Military
Colour: Sapphire Blue
Element: Ether
Chakra: Throat
Sense: Hearing
Symbols: Sword, Blue Cape, Shield
Energetic Body (Physical) - Archangel Michael supports our etheric frames by aiding the throat, thyroid, parathyroid, upper lungs, jaw, skull base, and body weight, and helps soothe the nervous system.
Etheric Body (Spiritual) - Archangel Michael encourages us to seek our true purpose, divine mission, and uncover hidden wisdom.
Archangels who work with Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael (Angel of Healing & Abundance)
Archangel Haniel (Angel of Passion, Grace, Beauty & Harmony)
Archangel Metatron (Angel of Children & Messengers)
Archangel Gabriel (Angel of Children, Creativity & Good News)
Archangel Raguel (Angel of Justice, Fairness & Harmony)
Sensing the Archangel Michael
When Archangel Michael is close, you'll see his bright Sapphire Blue light flicker and sparkle.
Australian Power Animals associated with Archangel Michael
Cassowary (Strength) Echidna (Protection) Emu (Masculine Energy) Goanna (Strength) Kangaroo (Leadership) Possum (Strength) Salt Water Crocodile (Inner Strength) Tasmanian Devil (Fearless) Wombat (Courage)

Archangel Michael - Angel of Courage & Strength
Archangel Michael helps you find courage and strength to break free from spiritual ties that hold you back from your true path or keep you anchored in the past. He supports and empowers your soul's journey, giving you the bravery needed to tackle life's obstacles. He guides you towards making wise decisions and helps you feel bold and fearless during challenging times. Archangel Michael reveals crucial steps for growth, encouraging you to live confidently and resiliently, while keeping calm and adaptable through difficulty.
With the guidance of Archangel Michael, you can find the confidence and energy you need to tackle challenges with strength and courage. During times of change, you can trust his support and know he’ll be there when you need him the most. His divine guidance help you identify crucial steps for your growth, inspiring you to be bold and adaptable. With Michael's support, you'll handle life's challenges with determination and achieve progress.

' I will give you courage & strength'
Archangel Michael - Angel of Divine Masculine Energy
The Divine Masculine acts as a guardian, always loyal and committed to his role. He provides consistent support and calmness, ensuring balance in every situation. His gentle strength settles disputes, bringing peace and understanding to all. A natural born leader, he motivates others to reach their potential and encourages teamwork for excellent results.
Archangel Michael stands for truth and stays calm and kind. He creates respect and unity. Under God's guidance, he inspires courage and strength within the Divine Masculine, helping him connect with his Inner Warrior.
He harmonises your male and female energies with the help of Archangel Haniel, gently guiding you on your true life journey.

' I will give you courage & strength'
Archangel Michael - Angel of Protection
Archangel Michael is widely recognised as the guardian angel and protector of all humanity, ensuring both spiritual and physical safety while also looking after our personal belongings and possessions. Armed with his mighty shield and dressed in a striking blue cloak, Michael defends against harmful and negative energies throughout the world.
Archangel Michael's blue light removes negative energy and toxic people, promoting peace. He focuses on spiritual and physical health, using his shield and blue cloak to protect against negativity. This strong blue light helps clear negativity effectively, ensuring your wellbeing and peace of mind..

'I am the Angel of Protection'
Prayer to Archangel Michael for Courage
I'm grateful to Archangel Michael for giving me the bravery and strength to face and overcome the challenges before me. I let go of all my worries, fears, and concerns, trusting everything is already resolved. And so, it is accomplished.
Prayer to Archangel Michael - Masculine Energy
I give gratitude to Archangel Michael for guiding me in expressing my truth kindly and for helping me balance my masculine and feminine energies. And so it is done. Thank you.
Prayer to Archangel Michael for Protection
I'm grateful to Archangel Michael for enveloping me in your protective blue light. I let go of everything that no longer benefits me, asking you to transform it into love and light. It is now complete. Thank you.

Crystals for Archangel Michael
Crystals emit a powerful energy that can harmonise your emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. The beneficial properties of a crystal can be channelled to our body’s energy centres, enhancing our aura. They’re also ideal for connecting with the celestial realm of Light and Love, creating a sense of peace and balance in your life.

Bloodstone - Strength
Bloodstone is a powerful gem known for enhancing strength and resilience. It keeps you grounded, making you feel secure and confident. When you stand firm, you can make smarter choices and increase your self-worth. Bloodstone can also help lift your spirits during hard times and boosts your energy and physical strength, making difficult challenges easier to tackle.
Black Obsidian - Protection
Black Obsidian is a powerful protective stone that serves as a shield against negative energies, helping you to feel safe and secure in your surroundings. This gemstone exposes truths and protects against psychic attacks. If you’re seeking a grounded and calming environment, Black Obsidian is an ideal choice for creating a sense of peace.
Unakite - Courage
Unakite boosts confidence and courage while helping with emotional healing. It strengthens your spirit, connects to Earth, and brings peace, supporting inner calm and resilience for a balanced aura.