Grief Support Healing Services

Understanding and compassion are at the heart of my approach to helping others heal from grief. By integrating Angelic Reiki, Sound Baths, and Mindfulness Meditation, I aim to provide a starting point for the healing journey. This holistic method focuses on the heart centre, facilitating acceptance and peace to move forward. Having experienced the loss of family, friends, and beloved pets to terminal illnesses and suicide, I recognise the profound difficulty of this path. Life gives us unique purposes, and mine is to offer healing and a guiding light for those struggling with the loss of loved ones towards and to help find some inner peace.

Blessings, Jeanette

A Journey through Grief....

Grieving is a deeply personal journey that we all must walk through at some point in our lives. The way we manage our loss differs from one person to another. Contrary to societal expectations, moving past grief isn't as simple as marking time on a calendar -- it doesn't resolve in just a month or even six. For many, it's a long and painful journey without a set timeline. There's no universally correct way to mourn; it's a process that requires patience. Grief can be overwhelmingly tough, leaving us feeling isolated and disconnected, thinking we can’t lean on our friends or family for support. Living without someone we love is challenging and distressing, making self-care and compassion for oneself crucial during the healing process. Allowing ourselves the time and space to mend is vital. Despite attempts to avoid or suppress our grief, it can resurface years later, triggered by an event or memory. This I know from personal experience, having lost my mother at 24 and only confronting my grief twenty years later due to an unrelated trigger. I understand now how important it is to have the right support and tools to face such loss. I wish there was an easy solution to ease the pain of grief, but the truth is, there isn't one. We don't ever fully 'get over' the loss of someone dear. Instead, we gradually learn to adjust to a life without their physical presence.

to Gratitude with the Archangels

At Dragonfly Naturals, I provide a special way to help you heal from grief holistically. As an Angelic Reiki Master and Angel Intuitive, I consider every part of the healing journey for your mind, body, and soul with the guidance of the Archangels. This experience is truly divine, as the Archangels precisely know what we require at the perfect moment. I collaborate with various Archangels, and each one offers a distinct type of healing. They use their Pure White Light Frequency Energy to dissolve any physical, emotional, and mental barriers that might become embedded or stagnant while you're going through the grief process. Just a thought to hold onto... Even though our loved ones may no longer be with us in person, the deep connection of the soul we share is everlasting. It's a bond that time or distance cannot diminish.

Human Loss

Experiencing grief is a deeply personal journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all way to navigate through it. Each of us will face loss at some point, and how we cope can differ widely. The impact of losing someone, whether after a long illness or unexpectedly, can leave us reeling, struggling to find our footing amidst overwhelming emotions. It's common to feel lost, as if time has stood still, and this can take a toll on both our mental and physical health, leading to anxiety, sleep issues, and even memory loss. It's important to remember that support is available, and reaching out for help can be a vital step in the healing process. At Dragonfly Naturals, based on the Gold Coast since 2018, I provide a supportive space for those grieving. Specialising in Angelic Reiki, Sound Baths, and Mindfulness Meditation, I aim to help you find a sense of peace and balance during the toughest of times. Remember, it's okay to seek both the comfort of friends and family and the guidance of professionals as you walk this path towards healing.

Human Stages of Grief

Shock: Feeling numb or disconnected after losing someone suddenly or to illness is common. This shock is natural, and it may take time for the reality to truly hit.

Denial: Denial can feel like you're aware of the loss, yet your mind struggles to fully grasp it. You might experience a mental fog, becoming forgetful, lacking focus, feeling unmotivated, and having trouble sleeping.

Anger & Guilt: Feeling anger and guilt after a loss is entirely normal. It's common to feel cross with the person who's gone and upset with ourselves for things left unsaid or undone. This can be a tough emotion to deal with, especially when it feels like no one else gets it, because it's often an inner turmoil that's shown on the outside.

Bargaining: It's a moment familiar to many, finding ourselves promising to do anything if only we could make things right again. We replay scenarios, thinking 'If only I had acted differently'. But the reality is, no promises or mental negotiations can alter what has already occurred.

Depression: Losing someone plunges us into deep emotions, often feeling alone, anxious, stressed, and depressed. It's part of grieving when the weight of sorrow makes everything seem unbearable. Sometimes, we just feel like we can't keep going, as if the challenges of living are too much. It's critical not to bear this alone and to seek support. Never feel ashamed to ask for help - everyone needs it from time to time.

Forgiveness: Learning to forgive yourself can be incredibly challenging during grief. We often hold ourselves responsible for what occurred. Recognising that it wasn't anyone's fault marks the beginning of finding forgiveness.

Acceptance: Finally, acceptance means understanding and making peace with the fact that the loss is irreversible, and what we did or didn’t do could never have changed the outcome. It was simply the time for our loved one. This stage allows us to start moving forward, rebuilding connections with family and friends, and letting light back into our lives.

It's normal to feel the weight of loss at any time, and it's okay to navigate these emotions in your own way and time. Grief has no set schedule or correct path.

Pet Loss

Grieving is an unavoidable part of life, but it can often turn into a distressing and overwhelming journey. This is particularly true when it feels like no one truly grasitates the depth of your sorrow after your pet has passed away, or if you find yourself without someone to lean on for comfort or support. In today's world, where isolation is increasingly common, figuring out whom to turn to or where to seek guidance during the grieving process can be challenging. The loss of a beloved pet can be heart-breaking, as these wonderful animals are not just pets, but become cherished members of our families. They stand by us through thick and thin, offering their unwavering companionship and love. When they leave us, they not only leave a void in our homes but also in our hearts. Grieving for a pet is as intense and profound as mourning the loss of a human loved one, and sometimes even more painful, especially when faced with the tough decision of euthanasia. It's vital to remember that everyone grieves differently and there's no correct way or timeline for healing. At Dragonfly Naturals in Gold Coast, I acknowledge the depth of your pain and offer a supportive space where your feelings are validated and understood, guiding you gently along your path to healing.

Pet Stages of Grief

Shock:  Loss always hits hard, whether it's expected due to illness or happens without warning. It catapults us into grief, leaving us reeling in disbelief and struggling to accept that it's really occurred.

Pain & Guilt:  After the shock fades, deep sorrow sets in, followed by feelings of guilt for possibly not doing enough or for having to make the tough choice to say goodbye to our cherished pet.

Loneliness & Depression: It's common to feel alone as the emptiness in your home and heart grows, leading to feeling lost and low. You might struggle with sleeplessness, panic or worry, and find yourself stuck, scared to take the next step.

Forgiveness: Self-forgiveness is incredibly tough during grief, as we tend to blame ourselves for what happened. Recognising it's not our fault is crucial to forgiving ourselves. Choosing to say goodbye, when needed, is a profound act of kindness for our beloved pets.

Acceptance: Once we fully grasp the reason, we can begin healing, just as our dear furry companions would have wanted, surrounded by their enduring love.

What is Raindrops into Sunshine?

Raindrops into Sunshine is a heartfelt healing method aimed at supporting individuals through their journey of grief and loss. It's designed to promote natural healing of the soul, offering care and comfort to those grappling with the pain of losing a loved one.

How does Raindrops into Sunshine work?

Raindrops into Sunshine blends Angelic Reiki, Mindfulness Meditation, and Sound Healing to gently release any energy blockages that might build up during tough times of loss. It's based on five key grief support principles. This approach addresses the healing needs of your soul, guiding the process from sorrow to thankfulness with the Angels' loving support, knowing just what you need during this transformative phase of your journey.

Holistic Grief Healing (Healing with the Angels)


AA JOURNEY OF THE SOUL - (Navigating life without a loved one) - Archangel Azrael (Angel of Comfort & Grief)

RRELEASING THE PAIN OF LOSS - (Emotional Healing) - Archangel Raphael (Angel of Healing & Abundance)

C CONNECTION TO THE HEART (Unconditional Love) - Archangel Chamuel (Angel of Peace, Comfort & Love)

HHEALING THROUGH FORGIVENESS (It is not your fault) - Archangel Zadkiel (Angel of Compassion & Forgiveness)

A - ACCEPTING THE LOSS - (Yes this really did happen) - Archangel Azrael (Angel of Peace, Comfort & Acceptance)

N – NAVIGATING LOSS THROUGH STRENGTH & COURAGE – (Finding your inner strength) - Archangel Michael

G – GRATITUDE & JOY – (Cherishing a loved one) - Archangel Jophiel (Angel of Gratitude & Joy)

E – ENERGY HEALING FOR THE SOUL – (Self-love) - Archangel Chamuel (Angel of Peace, Comfort & Love)

L LIVING A NEW NORMAL - (Moving forward) - Archangel Gabriel (Angel of Good News)

S - SPIRITUAL CONNECTION - (Soul/Spiritual Bond) - Kingdom of Light

How will Raindrops into Sunshine benefit you?

.       Deep Soul Level Healing

·       Spiritual Connection

·       Release of Blocks or Stagnant Energy as the result of Grief

·       Relaxation

·       Uplifting for the Mind, Body & Soul

·       Balance, Positivity, Clarity & Wellness

·       Release of Stress, Tension, Anxiety caused by Grief 

·       Improves Sleep

·       Aids in the Self-Healing Process


Please note that Dragonfly Naturals  Raindrops into Sunshine Healing system is subject to Copywrite laws. Dragonfly Naturals is the sole owner of all material, any unauthorised attempt to copy, rewrite, sell or distribute this system without the owners permission will be prosecuted by law.


Bookings Essential

To book an appointment for any of our Energy Healing services please phone/text  Jeanette - 0424690760


Monday 9am - 5pm

Tuesday - 9am - 5pm

Wednesday - 9am - 5pm

Thursday - 9am - 5pm

 Friday - 9am - 5pm

Saturday - 10am - 4pm

   All payments are to be made by cash, direct deposit or pay pass at time of appointment

Address: 96 Galleon Way, Currumbin Waters

House number will be given at time of booking as this is a private practise


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