Situated between the heart and throat chakras, this energy center links to the thymus gland, embodies unconditional love, and connects to higher consciousness and love for the Divine. It's the point at which you engage with your dreams and feelings, and tie into the Angelic Realms, serving as a pathway from the physical to the spiritual (Emotions and Reasoning). An imbalance here might cause feelings of emptiness, sadness, fear, anxiety, and health problems, whereas a balanced state fosters compassion, unconditional love, plenty, happiness, and inner calm.

Positive Affirmations

Affirm: I accept unconditional love for self & others - I accept peace, love, joy & happiness now - I accept myself for who I am

Overactive Higher Heart Chakra

If your higher heart chakra is overly active, you might feel unfairly treated, too selfless, tolerating poor treatment, and emotionally overwhelmed, leading to a sense of disconnection from reality.

Underactive Higher Heart Chakra

If this energy centre is not active enough, you might feel unloved, unworthy, and find it hard to care for others or share your feelings. You could lack empathy, fear spiritual connections, act selfishly, or feel betrayed.

Element: Air

Indulge in the soothing sounds of wind chimes under the gentle caress of the breeze, or journey through the countryside with windows ajar, inviting the airy element associated with the Higher Heart Chakra to surround you. Practice meditation outdoors, allowing nature's breath to flow freely around you, enhancing your connection to this energy.


Sound/Mantra: Ong So Hung

Note: F Sharp

Animal: Kookaburra

Sense: Touch

Angel: Archangel Chamuel

Body Parts Associated With the Higher Heart Chakra

Heart - Shoulders - Lungs - Arms - Hands - Skin

Food for Love

To enhance your diet for the Higher Heart Chakra, focus on pink or red foods. Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and red apples are great for stimulating and balancing this energy centre.

Colour Therapy

Favouring pink signifies an open and abundant Higher Heart Chakra. To enhance and elevate its energy, consider incorporating pink flowers in your garden or introducing more pink into your home décor. This simple act can significantly boost your Chakra's vibrational levels.

Aromatherapy for the Higher Heart Chakra

To nurture your Higher Heart Chakra, consider using candles, diffusers, or body oils. Room sprays and bath salts also support this vital energy centre, promoting balance and well-being.

Essential Oils

Neroli | Ylang Ylang: Euphoric & soothing bringing balance to your emotions

Jasmine:  Beautiful floral scent filled with love & romance, perfect for balancing the higher heart

Rose: Connects & inspires feelings of love & compassion with self & others

Rosewood: Helps to balance emotions, calms the mind, body & soul

Bergamot: Citrus & fruity scent to uplift the heart

Crystals for the Higher Heart Chakra

Crystals can emit a high energy frequency that helps balance your emotional, spiritual, and physical energies. These healing properties can be transferred to your chakras or energy points, helping in your self-healing journey for your mind, body, and soul.

Consider these Higher Heart Chakra Crystals to enhance your journey:

Rose Quartz: Fosters unconditional love by connecting to the higher heart.

Morganite: Keeps the higher heart open, ensuring energy flows freely while cleansing and energising this chakra.

Pink Tourmaline: Balances emotional energies and heals past hurts.

Emerald: Brings hope, love, and trust to the heart.

Kunzite: A high-energy stone that opens the heart to divine love and guidance.

A quick guide to using your Higher Heart Chakra Crystals for self-healing:

Carry your crystals with you for an on-the-go energy boost, or wear them as jewellery, like a necklace or bracelet, to help balance your energies. During meditation, place them on your Higher Heart Chakra to boost the stones' powers. At home or in the office, position the stones around your space to maintain balanced energies.


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