Situated just about 30cm beneath your feet, there exists an energy centre known as the grounding point of the soul. This centre, radiating like a beacon, links directly to Mother Earth. Unlike the Soul Star or the main seven chakras, this specific chakra isn't physically attached to our bodies. Its energy digs deep into our etheric field, serving as a powerful anchor to both the physical and spiritual realms.

Positive Affirmations

Affirm: I release old thoughts & patterns into the light - I release all negativity & transmute it into love - I release the need to be in control to the Universal Source

Overactive Earth Star

If this energy centre is too active or spins too quickly, you might feel an overwhelming connection to all living things, making it hard to stay grounded. You could also become overly sensitive to the Earth's natural electromagnetic energies.

Underactive Earth Star

If this energy centre is underactive, you might struggle to feel secure and shielded. You could also sense a lack of belonging to this world, feeling purposeless, negative, or depressed, and disconnected from nature.

Element: Nature

Find harmony in nature, connecting with its element. Take refreshing walks outdoors, enjoy the sunshine at the beach, or relax among grass and trees. Engage with nature's sounds and scents, embrace a tree to experience its energy, and soon, you'll notice a profound uplift in your mind, body, and spirit. This simple act can significantly enhance your wellbeing, aligning perfectly with your healing journey.


Sound/Mantra: OHM & HUM

Note: Low F

Animal: Wombat

Sense: Mother Earth Conscious Connection

Angel: Archangel Sandalphon

Body Parts Associated With the Earth Star Chakra

None - Aids Prana (Life Force Energy)

Food for Grounding

To enhance your diet for the Earth Star Chakra, focus on natural foods. Include earth-grown fruits and vegetables like strawberries, blueberries, mushrooms, carrots, and zucchini. These foods, rooted in the earth, provide stability and grounding.

Colour Therapy

Feeling connected to earthy tones suggests your Earth Star Chakra is flourishing. Enhance and stimulate its energy by integrating wildlife blooms indoors, creating a natural vibe that uplifts and aligns your inner vibrations.

Aromatherapy for the Earth Star Chakra

Enhance your Earth Star Chakra by using candles, diffusers, roll-on oils, room sprays, and bath salts. These can help open and balance this vital energy centre.

Essential Oils

Sandalwood: Earthy & Woody, helps in grounding & balancing

Patchouli: Attracts stability & abundance, helps with feelings of isolation

Cedarwood: Helps to clear negative energy, calms anger

Vetiver: Grounds & calms, releases feelings of anxiety 

Ylang Ylang: Euphoric & uplifting, helps to balance & open to higher consciousness

Crystals for the Earth Star Chakra

Crystals can emit powerful vibrational energy that aids in aligning emotional, spiritual, and physical energies. The healing abilities of a crystal can positively influence our chakras or energy centres, promoting self-healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

Consider these Earth Star Chakra Crystals for alignment:

Smokey Quartz: Anchors you and fends off bad vibes.

Black Obsidian: A purifying stone, it guards and anchors you, helping clear negative feelings.

Hematite: A stone that stabilises, it promotes balance and steadiness.

Red Jasper: Known as the grounding stone, it enhances security, vigour and helps you connect with the Earth's stabilising forces.

Tourmaline: Helps ground scattered thoughts and energies, reconnecting them with the Earth.

A quick guide to using Earth Star Chakra Crystals for self-healing:

Carry your crystals with you for an on-the-move energy lift.

Wearing your crystals as jewellery, such as necklaces or bracelets, helps balance your energy.

During meditation, place your crystals on the Earth Star Chakra to boost the stones' powers. Also, setting the stones around your home or workplace can fill your space with balanced energies.


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